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Backing Up Your Computer's File With A Mobile Device

Dear reader, an idea struck me a while back when i accidentally copied my PC's(Personal Computer) .exe(a file extension that's compatible with computer) file into my Java s40 mobile phone.

My Java s40 mobile device has some kind of internal file backup ability(most mobile phone can backup files), so i backed up the .exe file already in my phone along with other .jar files. I then restored the backup, then sent the .exe file back to my Pc. The file stayed in the computer as a compatible one whereas in my mobile device, it said "file not supported".

So my point here is, i can send more of those .exe files to my phone and back it up(for those phone that can backup) or save it to a special folder. Then whenever i loose the files in my computer i can easily restore it by sending it from my mobile phone back to the computer. Now isn't that a way to externally backup and secure your computer's files? which might include .doc, .txt, .pdf, .exe, .zip, 3GP, Flv, even torrent files- just name it; provided there is enough space in your mobile phone's memory card to take the files. Do not mind the fact that the some of computer files will show as a Question mark(?) in your phone, they won't be accessible, if it's a Java s40 Nokia phone like mine- then it'll say "File not supported". All you have to do is save the files and keep them safe in a folder in your mobile phone or back it up(if it can backup) and restore when needed.

NOTE: Simply send the most important computer files to your mobile phone by either through Bluetooth, USB cable or Directly inserting the phone's memory card into the PC's memory card Port. If the card is too small(like most Micro SD) then go get a card adapter, insert your small card into the adapter, then attach the adapter to the PC's card Port.
Make sure there's enough space in your memory card, so as to be able to accept the files - because the PC files are usually large.

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Author: Mohammad
Mohammad is the founder of STC Network which offers Web Services and Online Business Solutions to clients around the globe. Read More →